Though the light it emits is rather pitiful, its fuel never runs out. Played straight with the Torch, the game's hands-free variant.
Averted with the Flashlight, ironically. Sheets of scrap metal, wooden planks, even a chest can get in there. Hyperspace Arsenal: You can get quite a few things into the backpack that are the size of you to begin with. If you do eat the wrong thing it doesn't take too long for it to sort itself out if you can survive the side-effects. As long as you don't give yourself food poisoning anything edible should do the job, though food and fluids are treated as separate problems you need to address. Hyperactive Metabolism: Not quite to the "eat to heal" extant of other games, but once the cause of your damage is dealt with if you keep yourself well-fed and hydrated for long enough you will recover health over time and you can eat/drink as easily as using any other tool. And even then doesn't mention that coconuts are to be used as a stopgap for meals and drink, as you can and will get diarrhea from them. Guide Dang It!: This game does not hold your hand past the tutorial. Notably, it is the only one of the three bosses that actually currently exist in real life (the Megalodon is long extinct and there is currently no eel in the world anywhere near as big as the one in this game). Giant Squid: One serves as a boss battle. They're very aggressive and their pincers can really hurt. Giant Enemy Crab: Giant crabs the size of medium-sized dogs can be found on some of the islands. If this isn't Hell, it's a good approximation. The implications are disturbing: namely, you are forever stuck in a cycle of crashing, surviving, escaping and causing the crash. Specifically, your jet from the beginning. Three hours later, you collide with a private jet midair. Gainax Ending: You repair a Cessna Seaplane to escape the area. Once your crafting skill gets high enough you can jury-rig a speargun out of an oxygen bottle and some sharpened sticks, make a working gyrocopter out of spare parts looted from underwater shipwrecks, cook biofuel out of potatoes, and repair a seaplane to make your escape.
Gadgeteer Genius: The protagonist develops into one. Mostly useful for brief illumination of dark areas and warding off predators. Flare Gun: Can be found in shipwrecks. Many of the islands are extremely tiny and have few resources available. Endless Game: In Early Access, the only mode of play is a Sandbox, and it only ends when the player dies. Get a solid raft going and victory is more of an eventuality then anything else. Without a solid raft sharks can easily tip you over, if you are poisoned pipi for antidotes are risky to find if you do not have any available and clean water can rapidly become a rare commodity. Early Game Hell: The first few days are probably the hardest. Your watch will beep when you have less than one unit of health, and a somewhat panicky musical theme will begin playing if you're near death. Critical Annoyance: Albeit less annoying than most. Creepy Crows: Seagulls, but they serve the same function. In the early access they were already before the crash. The player character's shirt, pants, and necktie are in tatters from the crash. Breakable Weapons: Justified Trope, given that many of the creations are crude and handcrafted. If you get diarrhea from food poisoning the effects are near-instant and will constantly dehydrate you until it passes. Bottomless Bladder: Played straight with a notable exception. Bookends: The game begins and ends with a plane crash. While they are harmless, their screeching can be frightening. Bat Scare: At night, fruit bats will swarm in the sky.An Interior Designer Is You: While it's not required to beat the game, you can build a multi-story house and decorate it with trophies and furniture you make out of palm trees and scrap metal.Crude axes can be crafted, while actual, manufactured axes can sometimes be found among wrecks. An Axe to Grind: An effective method for felling trees, though equally employable as a weapon.You're far better off building the simpler (and much easier to build) sail, which can be made with common items and is just as fast. It requires fuel (precious in the early-to-mid game), and it has very slow turn control.
The boat motor takes a lot of rare components to build, but in the end, it's truly not worthwhile. Plus, you'll get caught on rocks and shallows that wouldn't be a problem for a smaller boat. Awesome, but Impractical: A huge barge-like raft is very slow and extremely sluggish to steer. Examples you'll encounter in Stranded Deep: